You can learn how to do this!
I’ve been thinking about you and how awesome it would be for you to have more joy-filled moments of meaning.
You do so much for other people, I wonder if you ever neglect to feel good on a personal level. I wonder if you forget to seek joy just for you.
I kinda think so. What do you think?
If so, I’ve got good news. You can orchestrate things that make you feel good.
I’d like to teach you how to add more joy to your life. On purpose.
It starts with knowing what brings joy to you, what makes you feel good.
Let me give you an example.
Quick family story
One of the things that brings the most joy to my life is having a strong connection with my kids. From the very beginning, I wanted to really know them.
So when they were little I made a conscious decision to form strong connections by arranging lots of 1:1 time with them.
It made me feel good.
In the midst of all that needed to happen within our busy family life, having alone time with kids to focus on what matters to them rarely “just happened.” It needed to be orchestrated from the get-go.
So, when they were young, one of the things my husband and I decided to do was split the kids up and take them away on weekend trips. I’d take one and my husband would take the other. The next year, we’d switch.
Over the years, we had a ball on our weekend adventures. They brought more joy-filled moments of meaning than we can count.
Now, our kids are young adults with lives of their own. Our daughter is 24, working as a recreational therapist full-time as an activity director for seniors with memory loss. She just bought her first house. Our son is 21, about to enter grad school for social work, working 2 jobs and an internship.
And they’re both getting married in the fall. Talk about a busy family life.
Yet, this past weekend, our son put everything on hold to go with me to Indianapolis for a 3-day trip.
You can bet there were joy-filled moments of meaning!
We drove 5 hours, talked about everything under the sun, ate and drank whatever we wanted, found super cool establishments downtown, stayed up late and slept in, read books in a sweet coffee shop, explored the city, went to a huge concert with a bunch of our favorite Christian rappers, sang, danced, and laughed until our sides hurt.
It was awesome!!
Orchestrating joy-filled moments of meaning begins with a choice
The trip didn’t just happen, and it was entirely worth the effort.
Orchestrating joy-filled moments of meaning begins with a choice.
I can teach you how to do this at my #Feelgood Challenge.
The things that bring me joy are going to be entirely different than the things that speak to you. You might not want to jump up & down at a rap concert and try to sing along to super fast lyrics with your offspring.
At the #Feelgood Challenge, the entire purpose is to focus on what makes YOU feel good.
Orchestrating joy-filled moments of meaning is just one of the four things we are going to talk about!
What’s a challenge? It sounds hard.
Essentially, a challenge is a fun time set aside to get together online in a group and dig into a subject in more personal terms. The #Feelgood Challenge runs April 18-22 and we’ll spend our time focusing on specific things to help you feel good more often.
Click here for more information.
I’ll lead the conversation each night. The whole thing will be on zoom so we’ll be able to see and interact with each other. This means there will be time each night to ask your questions.
I’ll post videos right away so if you miss a call, you can just watch it at your convenience. In fact, the videos will be up for a couple of weeks after the challenge ends.
We’ll meet less than an hour each night, starting at 6:30 pm EDT. If this is your dinnertime, cool, bring your dinner (and your family!) with you.
At the #Feelgood Challenge:
- You’ll get activities and exercises to apply four different #feelgood concepts to your own life.
- You’ll be part of a community of like-minded individuals who will be there to support and encourage you.
- And, as a special gift, you’ll get all of the recordings (and speaker bonuses!) from the Silver Lining Stories Livecast.
It’s going to be awesome! And I don’t want you to miss out. ❤️
In case you’re wondering:
- Can you just buy the Silver Lining Stories Livecast recordings and not come to the challenge? Yes, of course… but why would you want to miss out on feeling good? Even one night would be worthwhile!
- This is not a dead horse. ⬇️ It’s feeling good. Work with me here! 😂

It feels good to feel good. Trust me on this. #Feelgood.
You can join us at the #Feelgood Challenge by clicking here:
I’ll see you over at Joy To The World Coaching.
PS: Nothing like a story about maggots to get people talking. If you missed last week’s newsletter, here’s the story. 😊
Until next time…