We live in a world that is so self-consumed that I find we rarely ever take a step back from looking at ourselves to look at those around us and see who may be in need of some guidance or just a little bit of love.
Luke 6:36-37 – “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
Mercy is defined as “compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm”, however, the Bible defines mercy beyond forgiveness and withholding punishment. God shows His mercy for those who are suffering through healing, comfort, the ease of suffering and caring about those in distress.
A few questions I have been pondering on recently:
How can we be less about ourselves and more about the people around us?
How can we ultimately love on those around us without forgetting to find balance in our own lives?
How can we actively be seeking the Lord in the midst of everything, in order to be more Christ-like in all that we say and do?
Having a heart of mercy is the ultimate prayer. Break my heart for what breaks yours. It is not a simple or easy thing for us to do as humans, but it’s so deep and such a beautiful quality to have.
“I may not understand, but I am with you.”
Those are the small sentences that can transform someone’s life in an instant. We long to be seen and heard more than anything these days, and I feel such a strong unction in my heart to remind you that no matter how you are feeling or whatever season you find yourself in, God is always with you. He is steady, constant, and a faithful Father who never leaves us. When we walk away in anger, He follows. When we lose sight of Him, He is right there by our side.
The day that someone finds their identity, discovers their self-worth, and realises they are not alone; that someone hears their cries and sees their pain, that is a day that I will rejoice and shout “PRAISE JESUS” from the rooftops! Because for someone who needs a little bit of mercy, that day is their first step to walking into freedom. And that is a day that I can get excited for.
In the Bible, we see that Jesus had the biggest heart of mercy of all. He healed the sick and loved on those who others deemed unlovable and unworthy of anything. Even in the Bible when Peter denied Jesus three times, still Jesus had mercy on Peter and he was restored! That is the kind of heart I pray to have towards those around me.
How can we have a heart of mercy?
When I think about having a heart of mercy, I see two people standing face-to-face. One of those people looks empty, tired, and sad, someone who may need healing, forgiveness, compassion, or just a listening ear. The other person I see handing a piece of their heart over. Not one that is filled with judgment, condemnation or hostility. But a piece of their heart that is forgiving, kind, loving, compassionate and supportive. Showing that they are not there to judge or condemn, but instead to encourage and love.
When I was in High School, I was bullied from Years 7-12 – even after I moved schools for my senior years. I felt as though I was completely alone, that no one cared, and that there was no reason for me to be here on earth anymore. For years I never said anything to the people around me because I felt as though I would be a burden and that no one would care or understand what I was going through. But actually, I only felt that way because I never gave anyone the chance to try. Once I started to open up to my church family and my connect group, they took me under their wing and slowly nursed me back to my healthy self just by praying, loving, supporting, and being a listening ear.
For any young teenager, this is unfortunately a common season of life to go through, and that is why the Lord has put a dream on my heart recently to have a heart of mercy and help teenagers get through High School; some of the toughest years of their lives. I feel a calling to be a voice for those who cannot speak, to be a light at the end of the path encouraging and cheering them on all the way, and from my own personal experiences, whether it be mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, or relational challenges, being able to guide and support them in any way I can.
We can use those pain points that we have personally experienced to help bring healing and restoration to other people’s lives through our own lived-out experiences.
To have a heart of mercy, we must be seeking the Lord each and every day, allowing the Spirit of God to flow in and through our lives. We need to be walking in step with the Holy Spirit letting the Holy Spirit transform our lives from the inside out, rather than walking ahead and trying to guide ourselves, or even just attempting to do life without the Holy Spirit.
My prayer for you all is that just like Jesus has a heart of mercy, we can also – by simply loving on those around us and reminding those who feel alone or unworthy of life that they have such a great purpose on this Earth, and that they are loved unconditionally.
Having a heart of mercy; that is the healing balm this world truly needs.