Last year I came up with 2 acronyms for FAITH.
🔹 Feeling All Is Truly Here
🔹 Fear Against Impossible TrutH (<– Haha, the “H” 🤷♀️)
When you choose to have faith, you choose to believe that everything is always working out for you. Even if things don’t go as planned, they are STILL working out in your favor. Remember, God/Universe can see SO MUCH more than you can. When you choose to have faith in the power of your dreams and that the universe is continually co-creating your dreams with you, it becomes easier to feel the magic that exists right now. 💫
But …
Sometimes we desire something so strongly, and our fear is still bigger than our faith. Well, when we talk about faith, what is it that you’re having faith in? It usually involves some Higher Power. You tell me: Is your Higher Power bigger than any fear that could ever exist? 💪 Does that Higher Power reflect to you the ultimate of truths? Is that Higher Power able to make the impossible possible? If you place that fear against a seemingly impossible truth … what’s that speeeell? 😜
✨ FAITH! ✨
Okay, let me know if this made sense.
Know this — The energy of what you seek is also seeking you. When you feel it, what if you were to allow yourself to believe in it? Believe in your ability to create more of that? to receive more of that? What if you were to believe in you and know that you’re never alone on this journey of life? You and your desires are seen and the universe wants to give all that it can to you.
Sometimes you gotta have faith to allow the “impossible” manifest into reality.
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