5 Reasons Why Vacation is Good for Your Health
Picture it! It’s the final Tuesday in January and you’ve decided to take advantage of National Plan for Vacation Day. You’ve opened your calendar for the year (perhaps several calendars to align all of those school breaks), and now it’s finally time to plan. But, you’re starting to doubt whether you really have time for a vacation. Never fear, GlobetrottingMama is here with five reasons why scheduling that PTO today is a great idea.

Plan a Vacation to Reduce Stress…
We live in a “hustle culture” that is all about work, work, work. It’s only recently that our mainstream culture seems to have realized that there is merit in rest and relaxation (including how these things can boost productivity in the workplace). As you plan your trips for the year, be sure to include vacations that will help to reduce your stress. This might be a physical location, or it could mean a less stressful itinerary. Leave room for more spontaneous activities (or maybe just scheduling in some naps).

…or Improve Mental Health
When you plan out that PTO for the year, consider planning ways to improve your mental health. This might mean going on a yoga retreat and unplugging from society. In this GTM blog, we share some tips for scheduling a “staycation,” so you don’t have to deal with the stress of travel. No matter where your destination ends up being, incorporating fun and playful, peaceful or reflective activities could be a major bonus for your mental health.

Focus on Physical Well-Being
While stress reduction and mental health are certainly aspects of overall well-being, you can also glean some physical benefits from using those vacations days. People tend to move more when they’re exploring somewhere new. Whether its hustling to catch transportation, or a planned hike in the mountains, travel generally tends to get up and moving. Tuning into your body’s physical energy might be something you don’t get to do often with an office job, so plan some opportunities to get out in nature. Go on a biking tour, kayak with the family, or run a Disney 5K. In this GTM article, I share some examples of ways to incorporate nature when choosing a location as well. Whatever you choose, you can reap those unexpected physical rewards of using your vacation days.

Even Improve Your Sleep
The number one job of a hotel is to provide you with better sleep. And, let’s face it, those giant beds, soft, freshly laundered sheets and mountains of pillows offer a fantastic chance to make your nap dreams come true. This article by the Huffpost highlights some other great reasons why vacation sleep is the best sleep. And, if you’re the parent of little ones who rarely sleep themselves, travelling for sleep can be an especially great idea. Vacations are a great place to reset your sleep habit. Go to bed early, limit technology, maybe even read or meditate before you close your eyes for the night. Everything feels possible when you’re away from home. It also helps that there’s nowhere you HAVE to be. If you’ve done it right, there’s no work waiting for you. You can focuse on rest, relaxation and recharging in a room you’ll never have to tidy.

Plan to Re-Connect with Loved Ones (or Yourself)
Unfortunately, our connections with loved ones (including ourselves!) can get lost in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life. A vacation is the perfect time to refocus on what’s most important and unplug from mundane tasks. As you plan your vacation, be sure to incorporate activities that include the whole group and create opportunities for fun, play, and communication. Travelling alone? It’s just as important to reconnect with yourself and honour that self-care! All of these moments, whether big or little, create the memories that stick with you for life.