Let’s talk about creating what you want. When it comes to crafting our lives, I think we all know how powerful ‘the word’ is but I think we also get caught up in various complexities around manifestation and our internal roadblocks that stop us from really utilising the truth of this. And then there are all those moments when we find ourselves wrestling with the problem or complaining about what we don’t want, and quite simply forget to use our words and Free Will to define what we want to have happen. It’s just a habit, and new habits can be formed.
The truth is, you are a Divine creator casting spells with your words – the thoughts in your head, the things you say, and what you write down. Do you think and talk more about what you want, or what you don’t want and what bothers you?
Mystic and faith healer, Bruno Groening said that words are spiritual forces. One way I think of it, just like a knife can be used usefully to slice open a beautiful pomegranate or used to end a life, words can help or hinder. This truth scares some people but only because they feel at the mercy of the words and knives around them. Your words, my friend, are yours to do with as you wish. Herein lies your power for good, if you are ready to drop into full self-responsibility for all that you think, say, write and do.
This might feel daunting if you find the word responsibility loaded with old energies of obligation and duty. However, the responsibility we are talking about here is simply using your Free Will to be fully in-powered to use the words that define what it is you truly want and who you wish to be.
Creating what you want
It’s really very simple: you’re invited to start using your words only to cast spells for what you wish to create. Simply name what it is you wish to experience within yourself and within your life. Describe it in present tense. Repeat.
~ I am in perfect health, my body is strong and full of vitality.
~ I am abundant and have everything I want and need.
~ My relationship is loving, healthy and nourishes both of us.
Let go of all the superfluous chatter about inner roadblocks, outer circumstances, or why it hasn’t come to fruition already. Take wise, gentle action. Be easy and curious about how your wishes will unfold.
Be with your words, and keep casting more spells of the same with what you think, say and write down. Hold the line. Stay with your words and intentions. Let them belong to you and give yourself to them so that they may become and continue to be your reality.
Trust that Life is listening and co-creating with you every moment you’re alive.
Karen x