Kids are feeling so disconnected. And they don’t realize it on many levels. Yes, they realize (for many) they can’t see their friends. They realize (for many) they can’t go to school. Still, there is too much busy-ness. Constant looking for things to DO. Not enough quiet time. Stillness. Time simply BEing.
Why is this needed now more than ever?
Energetically our world is shifting tremendously. The energy is rising and changing. In March and April the world slowed down. Covid definitely changed the pace, but now it’s led to an even stronger disconnection because now we’re in our houses together, yet separate and more stressed and overwhelmed. More screen time. High schoolers, those in sports and those with jobs are with friends/coworkers but feeling inner turmoil about their safety and if they “should” be together. Because if they can’t be in school…are they really safe here? The messages kids are bombarded with say connecting is unsafe. Their confusion and anxiety is palpable.
Adults in our world are more disconnected than ever. Too connected to technology, social media, television. Fear. Anxiety. Busy-ness. There is an awful lot of time spent trying to find things to do to keep busy. Tasks to check off. In some cases to help make life ‘comfortable’ for kids or do anything possible to ‘have fun’. Not taking time to simply BE. To connect to one’s self. What adults and kids need right now is quiet, disconnected-from-technology time. We don’t need more time simply doing more random activities!!
We have shifted so heavily into fear, anxiety and survival mode. Why survive when we could thrive?
Go within. Support your own inner connection ~ to yourself and to your Source, whomever that is for you. So you can then truly connect to your kids and spouse. We haven’t learned if we’ve simply gone back to a “new normal” where we’ve shifted how we do everything and aren’t making time for quiet, inner connection.
A few weeks ago I was meditating with one of my kiddos, her mom and younger brother. She leaned on Mom and the younger kiddo jumped up on Mom’s lap. And we meditated together. The LOVE was palpable and tears ran down my cheeks as I simply soaked in the love. Mom cried. This was true connection. No words. Just seeing one another and BEing together. No activities. Sitting together in the energy of love and acceptance, with no agenda. Breathing and knowing that is enough. This is thriving!
Our TRUE safety doesn’t come from outside ourselves. Our safety isn’t dependent on simply following rules set by a leader or expert.
True safety comes from our belief and trust in knowing that our lives have their own unique paths. When we take steps to connect, listen and follow that wisdom. One diet does not fit all. One exercise routine does not fit all. One meditation style does not fit all. Our health plan is no different – one size can not fit all. Connect within and open to the wisdom inside you. Only then can you model for kids, and talk with them, about health and true wellness from an EMPOWERED place. From a CONFIDENT place. From a CONNECTED place.
Inner connection is the way to combat fear. Connect within. Your wisdom lies there.
We are ultimately not in control! As I have written on a chalkboard to remind myself every day, I AM the airplane, God is the pilot!! I do everything I know of to make sure my “plane” is in great working condition, not taking unnecessary risks. To do that, especially in an atmosphere like we’re living in, it takes a lot of time connecting and listening. Then I can confidently move forward, with faith and trust, to thrive!