Local gardening friends, Spring has (finally) Sprung!
A local list of plant sales and swaps submitted by Helen Snively. Get
outside, meet other gardeners and fill up/ clear out your garden.
Mid-Cambridge PLANT SWAP: The
Spring 2018 Mid-Cambridge PLANT SWAP will be on Saturday
May 5 NOON
to 2 pm
at Fayette
in Cambridge (near the corner of
Broadway and Fayette St.). Rain date—in case of
DOWNPOUR—is Sunday May 6, 12-2. Bring
anything you’d like to share. Elegant packaging not required, but please do
write down the names of plants. We
expect to have perennials, biennial seedlings, seeds, indoor plants, catalogs,
pots, and lots of “whatever.”
Feel free to just come, chat with neighbors, talk gardening.
2. SPRING GARDEN DAY, Sat. May 5, 2 to 4,
Somerville Community Growing Center, Vinal Ave. Welcome
spring: maypole dance, Morris dancers, garden info.
3. Watertown life-friendly GARDEN
TOUR, Sun. May 6, 1 to 5. 20th twice-a year tour; showcases gardens free of
synthetic chemicals for at least a year. Map and info: watertowncitizens.org/gardentour/
5. Urban Gardening: PLANTING
FUNDAMENTALS LECTURES, Tues. May 15, 6 to 7:30. Cambridge public
library, 449 Broadway. Part of series sponsored by Camb. Conservation
Commission, with
lecturers from New England
Wildflower Society. Other
sessions this summer, all at the library: Rain gardens, 6/30,10:30; Lawn
alternatives, 7/28,10:30; native plants book talk, 8/18, 10:30. Much
more info: http://www.newenglandwild.org/learn/our-programs/
6. Arlington Garden Club PLANT AND YARD
SALE, Sat., May 19, 9 to 1, Jason Russell House (corner Mass. Ave. &
Jason St.), Arlington. Plants, pots, books, etc. Master gardeners on
hand to answer questions.
7. Grow Native PLANT SALE, Sat., May 19, 9 to 2:30, UMass Waltham Field
Station, 240 Beaver St., Waltham. 120 species for sale, plants native to New
England and the Northeast. Rain or shine.
Get there early. www.grownativemass.org/programs/plantsale
Watertown PLANT SWAP, Sat. June 2, 10 to 2. 165 Grove St., at entrance to community
garden. Same format as the Cambridge
swap; please bring plants that have not been treated with