Have you ever wondered what really happens behind the scenes during a flight? If you’re a curious flyer intrigued by how things work or eager to uncover the tricks of the trade, then these 17 insider flight secrets are just for you, as shared by numerous flight attendants on a popular online forum.
Next time you’re on board, you’ll be armed with fascinating knowledge to impress your seatmate and maximize your travel experience.
First Class Is Not The Best Seat

First class may be the fanciest seat on the plane, but that doesn’t guarantee your safety. In fact, given its position at the front of the aircraft, it is one of the most dangerous spots to be in. This is because of the greater impact if the plane were to crash. In terms of safety, you are better off at the back of the plane.
Turbulence Is Completely Normal

Have you ever feared for your life as you felt yourself being thrown about during a particularly uncomfortable bit of turbulence? The reality is that most frequent flyers have dealt with their fair share of bumpy rides. While turbulence is unpleasant, it’s neither unusual nor necessarily unsafe.
Despite the jolts, turbulence is rarely dangerous, just like bumps in the road. All you need to do is make sure you stay strapped in when the seat belt sign is on, and you’ll be fine.
The Pilots Sleep

Just like you, pilots need to sleep, especially on long-haul flights. Pilots will operate in shifts to ensure everyone gets enough rest and is safe to fly.
Pilots and crew have designated sleeping quarters on the plane, which allows them to recharge in peace while the co-pilot takes over. While the idea of your pilot being fast asleep at the wheel may seem a bit unnerving, it is perfectly safe and ensures the cockpit remains alert and focused.
Flight Attendants Are Highly Trained

Have no fear, your flight attendant is incredibly well-trained. Contrary to popular belief, they are not just there to serve drinks and handle your needs.
Flight staff prepared to handle high-pressure medical emergencies, technical malfunctions, fires, and even unruly passengers.
The Lavatory Lock Can Be Opened From the Outside

Flight attendants have access to a special latch that allows them to unlock the lavatory in an emergency.
While rarely used, if you find yourself getting too comfortable in there or even trapped by a faulty lock, there is always a staff member to help you out of any tricky situation.
The Blankets and Pillows Aren’t Always Fresh

It may seem gross, but the reality is that the blankets and pillows are often not clean. Even if they are packaged it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re fresh.
To be on the safe side, it’s often best for you to bring your own.
Don’t Walk Barefoot

Why anyone would want to walk barefoot on a plane is a genuine mystery. Firstly, the floors are not clean, and secondly, no one should try to go to the bathroom without their shoes. Not only is it extremely unhygienic, but it’s also a safety hazard if something falls or someone steps on your foot.
For everyone’s sake, it’s best to keep your shoes on. There is nothing worse than being sat next to someone with extremely stinky feet and having nowhere to go.
Tray Tables Are Not Clean

Those fold-out tray tables are probably not as clean as you’d like to think they are. While they do get a good wipe down, you never know what’s been on them before you.
Be careful and use wipes before eating off one, especially given how many parents use them to change diapers – they become magnets for germs.
Phones in Airplane Mode Are Essential

You may find the constant nagging by the inflight staff to switch your phone settings onto airplane mode a real pain. However, it is necessary for everyone’s safety.
Granted, the plane won’t suddenly drop out of the sky because you failed to do so. However, it is best to follow the rules, as phone signals can interfere with communication equipment.
Stay Hydrated

Planes are notoriously bad for dehydrating your skin. When you’re in the air, it’s helpful to stay hydrated, so always ensure you’ve got something to drink and bring some extra moisturizer while you’re cruising at altitude.
There’s no shame in bringing your full skincare routine, especially if you’re on an international flight. One top tip you’ve probably heard your favorite influencer suggest is to bring a face mask on flights so as to make your plane journey feel just a bit more luxurious.
You Can Walk Around

While it’s essential to stay strapped in when the seatbelt sign is on during takeoff and landing, you’re more than welcome to walk up and down the aisles when the plane is cruising.
Long flights can be a real drag, so it’s good to stretch your legs and get your blood flowing to avoid boredom, increase circulation, and reduce swelling in your legs. As long as you don’t get in the way, most flight attendants are happy to chat.
Free Food

Almost all long-haul flights will offer you a free meal and or snack. If you splurge on a first- or business-class seat, then you’ll usually be given a fine dining menu from which you can choose.
While plane food is a controversial topic, premium tickets will give you far better and far more options than those stuck at the back in coach.
Unlimited Drinks

It’s not just the food that is free. If you splash out on a first-class ticket, be sure to make the most of the unlimited drinks. Undoubtedly one of the best perks, especially on a long-haul flight, limitless drinks mean you can enjoy everything, from a fancy cocktail to a nightcap or calming cup of tea.
Just remember, go easy on the cocktails. Something about the altitude can make them go straight to your head!
The Real Reason Cabin Lights Are Dimmed

You may be somewhat surprised to hear this, but the cabin lights are not dimmed on landing to create a certain ambiance. While during the flight, especially on an overnight journey, the lighting may well be adjusted to allow passengers to sleep, this is not always the case.
Dimming the light during landing is a safety precaution to enable your eyes to adjust to darkness in case of an emergency evacuation.
Your Luggage Will Be Handled Roughly

We hate to say it, but the chances are your luggage will not be handled with care. If you are traveling with something precious, make sure you either wrap it well or take it in your hand luggage if possible.
With so many to process, bags are inevitably tossed, stacked, and cramped. The best way to protect your belongings is by packing them smartly, not by plastering them with fragile stickers.
Don’t Tip

That’s right, even if you’re in America, where tipping is a part of everyday life, the one place you don’t is on the plane. Trying to hand over a couple extra dollars as you exit the plane is unusual, especially since you’ve already paid for your tickets upfront.
Generally speaking, tipping flight attendants is unusual, and trying to do so may end up in a slightly awkward situation.
A Smile Goes A Long Way

Passengers sometimes seem to forget that flight attendants are also human beings worthy of some respect and appreciation. Just like us, they all have good and bad days, and just because they are doing their job does not mean they are beneath you.
When it comes to your cabin crew, a small gesture or even a thank you can go a long way toward making them feel seen and appreciated.
Make The Most of Your Journey

There are many hidden secrets associated with flying that most people barely notice. Understanding these secrets will not only help you gain a new appreciation for the work flight attendants do, but now that you have the insider scoop, you’ll be far better prepared for your next journey, helping to make your next trip more informed and enjoyable.
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